Wednesday 12.23.15
Thank you so much to everyone who pitched in for our amazing gift card Christmas presents! We are so thankful for this community, and the opportunity to be surrounded by such great people every day. Thanks so much for your generosity, for your hard work in the gym, and for making CrossFit Central Houston our favorite place day in and day out. We hope that you enjoy your break, and we'll see you back in the gym on Monday!
"12 Days of Christmas"
1 "out and around" loop
2 push press (115/75#)
3 front squats (115/75#)
4 hang power cleans (115/75#)
5 bar facing burpees
6 chest to bar pull ups
7 wall balls (20/14#)
8 toes to bar
9 HR push ups
10 slam balls (30/20#)
11 jumping lunges with slam ball (30/20#)
12 muscle ups