Tuesday 11.3.15
You may often hear a coach instruct a CrossFit class, "Yell time when you're done!"....but WHY? We know that you're tired when you finish a WOD. We know that not everyone was born to be loud; so why do we insist that in the moment when you finish something very difficult, that you summon the energy to yell out "TIME!"?
There are a few reasons: the first is so that, as a coach, we know that you're finished and can call out your time to you. It also gives us a chance to catch any mistakes ("did you do 5 rounds already?" "OH! I thought it was 3 rounds!"). But most importantly: IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU. Calling time is about keeping up the intensity of the class. When you're working and you hear people start to finish around you, it prompts an added sense in urgency in most of us. It's part of the benefit of working out in a group versus working out alone!
It may seem like a small thing, but calling out "TIME!" makes a big impact. It benefits you, but it's also not just about you....it's has a positive impact on other people's fitness, their motivation...on the atmosphere of the class and the culture of CrossFit Central Houston. It's part of who we are. Just another little thing that makes us different.
Bench Press 2-2-2-2-2
rest 2 minutes between sets
Alternate with a partner until you have EACH completed 5 rounds:
20 KBS (70/53#)
20 hand release push ups
5 rounds for time:
20 burpees
20 box jumps
10 DB push press
10 walking lunges with DB