Monday 11.16.15
WE ARE OFFICIALLY THE WINNERS OF THE THREE WISE MEN AFFILIATE CUP!!!! CrossFit Central Houston signed up more people than any other Affiliate in the NATION! While we are super excited to win this distinction, what we are most proud of is the generosity showed by this community. The willingness to give and support such a worthy cause was amazing. Thank you to everyone who signed up (and maybe even their mom, dad, and friends too :)) and who participated in the WOD on Veteran's Day. Looking forward to next year!!
20 minutes to establish a 2 rep max back squat
1 attempt ME strict pull ups
3 min ME row for meters
rest 1 minute
3 min ME burpee box jump overs (24/20")
rest 1 minute
3 min ME wall balls (20/14#)
*record these results! We'll be retesting!
In teams of 3 with only one member per station, complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 30 minutes of:
Station 1:
10 box jumps (24/20")
5 DB renegade rows
Station 2:
10 burpees
5 DB ground to overhead
Station 3:
200m run with medball
You may only switch stations when the runner returns each time