Wednesday 11.11.15

So proud of everyone who came in yesterday to participate in the Three Wise Men Tribute WOD as we honor our veterans! A huge thank you to everyone who signed up and donated for this cause.....and extra thanks to those who signed up their friends and family, too :) We are currently sitting in first place in the nation for number of people signed up, and we still have until Sunday to get people registered! While winning the Three Wise Men Affiliate Cup would be amazing, the most important thing is that for every person who signs up for this Tribute, more money gets to this organization to support our vets who are returning home after combat. In case you can't tell, this is very near and dear to Phil and I, and we are extremely proud to have a community that is so generous and so supportive of a great cause!


4 min AMRAP:
5 hang squat snatch (elite: 185/125, RX: 135/95, scaled: 95/65#)
10 burpees over the bar

-rest 2 minutes-

4 min AMRAP:
10 power cleans  (elite: 185/125, RX: 135/95, scaled: 95/65#)
20 pull ups

-rest 2 minutes-

4 min AMRAP:
15 box jump overs (24/20")
30 wall balls (elite and RX: 20/14#, scaled: 14/10#)
