Monday 3.9.15

Open WOD 15.2 is in the books! I have to say that this workout was particularly inspiring to me. Overhead squats and pull ups are movements that MANY people struggle with for a variety of reasons. Overhead squats are tough! They require significant shoulder strength in addition to leg power....and most importantly, SO MUCH MOBILITY! Pull ups are one of those magical movements that many people don't believe they'll able be able to do when they begin CrossFit, so achieving that first one is quite an accomplishment! 

We watched so many people overhead squat a weight that they'd never even thought of ATTEMPTING before. We saw people getting their first pull ups, and stopping in the middle of the workout because they were so over joyed. Others got their first chest to bar pull up, then proceeded to do 20+ more of them during the workout. Judges were hugged in post WOD celebration because they'd help encourage someone through something they didn't know they could accomplish. I've never seen so many people proud of scores like 6, 10 or 12 reps. The truth is, what I am most proud of was as a community we were able to celebrate the ACCOMPLISHMENTS and PROGRESS of everyone, more than just where they fell on the scoreboard. 

15 min AMRAP:
3 hang power cleans (135/95#)
2 rounds:
3 pull ups
6 push ups
9 box jumps (24/20")
