Friday 12.14.12

Our hearts go out to the parents and families of the children and teachers effected in the elementary school shooting today. What a sobering reminder of how precious life is.


I've talked about this before, so I'll be breif: documenting your WODs allows you to celebrate your accomplishments, know how much weight you should be lifting, and track your progress. 

1. Celebrate your accomplishments: how will you know when and by how much you PR'd that lift or that benchmark WOD if you can't remember what you did last time?!

2. Know how much weight you should be lifting: There will be times that we do strength WODs that will say things like "use 75% of your 1 rep max, " which assumes that you know your 1 rep max. It's very difficult to remember your 1RM snatch, overhead squat, power clean, hang power clean, squat clean, push press, push jerk, strict press, back squat, front squat, weighted pull up, weighted push up, deadlift, etc. If it's written down in the PR section of your journal, it's just a quick flip of a page. Also, when we do benchmark WODs, you can look back at the weight you used the last time you did the WOD and decide if you're going to use the same weight and improve your time, or lift heavier weight and move toward the prescribed load.

3. Track your progress: When you finish a workout, you should write down the WOD, the weight you used and/or the reps that you did, as well as some notes about how you felt or specifics of how you performed in the WOD. For instance, "did all 20 pull ups unbroken" or  "broke reps in 'Karen' up as 50-20-20-10-10-10-10-5-5." This way, the next time you have 20 pull ups in a row, you can look back and know that you did 20 in a row last time, and should do the same this time. Or for a benchmark WOD like "Karen," you have a record of how  you broke up the 150 wall ball reps and whether or not that worked for you.

So where can you track your WODs?

A) Old school - use a regular old notebook. Make a "PR" section in the back and record benchmark WODs and lifts. On a daily basis write down the date, the WOD, reps/weight/time and any notes you want to remember about the workout. You can also add in your nutrition for the day to track the correlation between your best workouts and what kind of food you're eating

B) Buy a workout journal. 
- Sport WOD Fueled Journal
- customized WOD journal
- free 36-page printable trial journal

C) Online Journal (free) (free) free trial : largest online CrossFit log 

D) Journal App
-Workout Hero ($0.99) - used by, workout and food alarms and checklists, paleo recipes, videos demonstrating movements, WOD randomizer to create random workouts for you, built in timers, and CrossFit gym locator
- WOD tracker Pro for Andriod phones
- myWOD App ($1.99)
- iWOD fitness (free) - includes built in timer, paleo recipes, CrossFit news, and demo videoes

Pick something and be consistent. If you're using a paper journal and want to leave it at the gym so you don't forget it at home, do it. We'll create a space for it.

150 wall balls (20/14) 
