Tuesday 6.14.16

A. 4 sets of:
Bulgarian split squats x 8 reps each leg
rest 1 minute
single arm DB row x 8 reps each arm
rest 2 minutes

B. In team of 2: 
Row 2000m for time
split meters as desired

A. Every 90 seconds for 10 minutes: snatch balance x 3 reps
B. Every 90 seconds for 10 minutes: hang snatch x 2 reps
C. Every 2 minutes for 20 minutes: snatch x 1 rep @75-85% of heaviest rep from "B"

A. Crossover Symmetry "Strength"
B. For time :
400m farmers carry (AHAP with DB or KB)
400m sandbag carry (any style)
400m towel farmers carry
