Saturday 1.30.16

20 rounds for time:
5 wall balls (20/14#)
3 ring rows

30 rounds for time:
5 wall balls (20/14#) (comp: 30/20#)
3 pull ups (comp: C2B)

(Pre GPP)
A. EMOM for 9 minutes:
Min 1: Row 250/200m
Min 2: 12 T2B
Min 3: 40-50 double unders
B. Every 2 minutes for 20 minutes:
Back squat
sets 1-3 x 6 reps
sets 4-6 x 4 reps
sets 7-10 x 2 reps
the last set of each rep scheme should finish with the heaviest weight possible for the required amount of reps, but do not fail!
