Tuesday 12.15.15

Hey folks, hope everyone is having a wonderful Holiday season!  It's been awesome having the time to do some hunting and relaxing the last few weeks.  Hopefully everyone will get plenty of rest and is ready to take fitness to a new level in 2016!

Just a heads up, we will be implementing a few changes for the New Year.  

First and foremost, CrossFit Central Houston has hired it's first full-time employee!!  Grace Lin has accepted the role as Head Trainer at CFCH!  We are very excited to have her on board, so please take a second to congratulate her next time you see her.

Secondly, starting in January we will be changing our program design a little.  For most of you this will have little to zero effect,  but for others it will mean you may need to start thinking about class scheduling, and what time(s) you'll need to be there.  

One of our top priorities for the gym has always been to create the strongest community possible.  In and effort to make this happen and to allow our athletes to grow at their own pace, while still keeping everyone in the same class, we are introducing this program structure.  It will allow the athletes who are brand new to fitness to build a well rounded strength and conditioning foundation, keep the majority of our community advancing in these same areas, and still give the people who want to take fitness to the next level, that opportunity as well.  

There will be three programs:
"Foundation" (60 min class) - This program will focus on basic strength and conditioning elements that will allow you to achieve a level of fitness you may have never thought possible.

"General Physical Preparedness" (Same 60 min class) - This program will be very similar to what you are already used to.  It will not exclude any functional movements.  You will see everything from rope climbs, HSPU, and squat snatches, to pull-ups, push-ups and air squats. Expect this to be constantly varied and performed at high intensity. Be prepared for the known and unknowable!

"Competition" (same 60 min class, with 30-60 min additional work required) - This program will be IN ADDITION to the "GPP" program.  It's not reserved solely for people who want to compete, but rather ANYONE who wants to challenge themselves, while giving those who want to compete that edge on their competition. You will be responsible for completing this work either pre or post class.  There will always be suggested timing for you, but we understand that not everyone can adhere to that so get it done when you can.  

These are not categories designed to separate you.  These are options for you to grow at your own pace.  You may find that most days you follow the "Foundation" program, but that occasionally there is a "GPP" day that you can do, and you challenge yourself that day to do it. Or that following the "GPP" program exclusively works the best for you.  The only caveats to this are, to be allowed to complete the "Competition" program, or ANY additional work or programming you may want to do, you MUST have done, or are going to do all of the GPP program for that day.  In other words: You must do class if you want to do any extra work.

Additionally, we will be offering NEW programs in the near future, which will include but are not limited to: CrossFit Kids, Olympic Lifting, Power Lifting, Gymnastics, Sport Specific Camps, Etc. Please watch for these announcements.   

We're super excited to launch these new programs, and see everyone grow! 
-CFCH staff

push press x4-6 reps
rest 30 seconds
ME supinated grip pull ups

Every 5 minutes for 15 minutes:
Against a 3 min clock,
Row 500/450m
ME burpee box jump overs (24/20")

A. For time:
Complete the following in order, but starting at 3,2,1 go, perform 3 burpees every minute on the minute before resuming the chipper:
80 walking lunges
60 sit ups
40 ground to overhead w/plate (45/25#)
20 (4 ct) mountain climbers
