Monday 8.25.14

Sorry the blog has been a little MIA guys...between moving, traveling, losing my phone (with most last weeks whiteboard pics on it), things have been pretty crazy lately! Luckily, we are settling in to the new house (well, we've unpacked about 5 boxes now....) and getting used to our 2 hour-a-day-time-saving-commute. 

Meanwhile, we have some schedule additions in the works!
Labor Day: We will not have regular classes on Monday, however, there is a high probability that there will be some amount of Open Gym time. Check back here and/or Facebook tomorrow for the finalized answer. Saturday will be the regular schedule of 8am, 9am, and Open Gym from 10am-12pm.

8:30AM Class: Begins on WEDNEDSAY, September, 3rd! We'll try this time slot out and see how it goes!

NEW OnRamp time: In addition to 5:30PM OnRamp on Mon/Wed/Thurs, beginning in September, we will also offer a 6AM OnRamp time slot on Mon/Wed/Fri. If you have friends who are interested, they can sign up for EITHER the AM OR the PM group of classes.

5 sets of reverse lunges (heavy)
*in between each set, perform 6-8 chin ups

15 min EMOM
minute 1: 45 sec row for calories
minute 2: 10 T2B
minute 3: 30 sec KBS (53/35#)
