Wednesday 6.19.13

When was the last time you went to Mobility WOD??? Huh??? Live there! Put it on your favorites list: Unless you have perfect range of motion AND no stiffness, soreness or pain EVER, then you need to be checking this site regularly to get mobilization ideas. Side note: there's a charge for the NEW stuff, but the older stuff is free. Just use the "search" to type in an area where you're sore or know that you need help with your range of motion (ex. hips, shoulders, hamstrings, posterior, ankes) and short videos will come up with techniques that you can use either at home or the gym. 

After Monday, lots of folks came in today with tight hamstrings. Do you have this range of motion??


If not, watch here: 

5 rounds with running clock:
10 jumping lunges
20 push ups
30 air squats
40 sit ups
rest 3 minutes
