Monday 11.5.12

Today was a great example of how proper scaling can make all the difference in the world - even when heavy weight isn't involved. Scaling depends on a variety of things including your proficiency in the movement, and your goals for that particular day. A WOD that's meant to be strength building and a WOD that's meant to be a lung burner may be scaled very differently. This is a great article about things to consider when you're deciding if and how much to scale a WOD and the reasoning behind scaling.

In the evening classes, we talked about how this workout was meant to be done in under 15 minutes and elicit that "CrossFit burn" feeling in your lungs. One of my favorite sayings is, "Just because you CAN, doesn't mean you SHOULD." I think I've used it in a blog post on here before...something about eating a Pappasito's tres leches everyday. Just because I CAN (trust me, it's that good), doesn't mean I SHOULD. In today's case, it was, "just because you CAN do 30 wall balls Rx'd doesn't mean you SHOULD if its going to take you 5 minutes each round to get through them." Today I saw folks scaling themselves during the WOD, not necessarily becasue they could no longer work with the heavier wall ball, but because they recognized that they would have to slow down or take too many breaks by staying at that weight. As a result, everyone in the class finished in under 15 minutes (in fact, they all finished within 10 seconds of one another), and most of them were on the floor afterwards. Mission accomplished.


Front Squat: 5-3-3-1-1-1 

3 rounds:
30 wall balls (20/14)
20 pull ups
1/2 gasser 

