Tuesday 10.30.12

"The Tunnel" Concept

KStar (if you don't know who KStar is, then you're missin' out. Go to www.mobilitywod.com) introduced the concept of "the Tunnel" a while back and explains it and how it works in this video. Basically, think of an exercise as a tunnel. A deadlift, for instance, starts with you addressing the bar, setting your back and getting ready to lift - that's the tunnel entrance. Being inside the tunnel is doing the lift itself, where you lift the weight, and exiting the tunnel is your finishing position. The idea is that if you enter the tunnel in a crappy position, you will exit in a crappy position. Under heavy load, it's very difficult (if not impossible in many cases) to make major adjustments to bad position. If I pick up a 250lb bar with a rounded back, get it 6 inches off the ground and decide that I need to fix my back position - it's too late. And sure enough when I finish, I'm going to end up with rounded shoulders, pain in my lower back, and probably have to rebend my knees to get under the bar. Think about the back squats that we did today. How hard is it to push your knees out in the middle of your squat if they are already collapsed in?? Super hard! It's much easier to enter the tunnel by pushing the knees out, keep them that way, and exit the tunnel in the same good position. Check out this video to hear more about how you can apply "The Tunnel" to help diagnose problems with your lifting.

 Strength: Back squat
Every 30 sec for 2:00 1 rep @70%
rest 2 min
Every 45 sec for 2:15 1 rep @75%
rest 2 min
Every 60 sec for 2:00 1 rep @80%
*do not rack bar during each set

1a)3x10 seated DB press
1b)3x15 weighted lunges (heavy but perfect)
1c)3x10 weighted strict pull ups
1d)3x15 weighted hip extensions

rest 30 sec between exercises 

CFCHCoachform, scaling, tunnelComment