Friday 2.12.16
Posture Habits
by Grace Lin
Here at the gym, we often say “keep your shoulders back and down” or “stand up tall.” We tell you this because it creates a safe position for your shoulders and back. It’s great to be reminded of this every time you’re in the gym, but what about all the other hours you’re away from the gym? Maintaining good posture for 1-2 hours a day, 3-5 days a week isn’t going to break the habits we form during the other 100+ hours we are outside of the gym (excluding sleep).
What kind of a job do you have? Are you sitting at a desk for most of the day? Are you in front of a computer? Do you find yourself hunched over with a forward neck by the end of the day? If you do have a desk job, chances are high that your posture is suffering over the course of the day. 8+ hours every day of poor posture will add up over time, eventually leading to improper mechanics and limited overhead range of motion. Also, sitting almost all day can lead to limited hip mobility due to chronically tight hip flexors.
Okay, so I sit at a desk all day and my posture is suffering… What should I do to fix it? Here are some tips:
Be cognizant of your posture during non-gym hours! Check yourself periodically, like every 30 minutes or every hour.
Make sure your shoulders are back and down, like you’re going to perform a ring row.
Also, make sure your head is neutral and in line with your spine, instead of shooting forward/down.
And finally, maintain a natural curve in your low back, similar to a good morning.
You have all the tools and cues we give you at the gym to know what these positions feel like, so you can apply them outside of the gym!
Get up and walk around every hour (take a “bathroom break”) to stretch out your legs, mainly your hip flexors.
You may get weird looks from colleagues, but performing the couch stretch periodically will dramatically help your hip flexors.
Buy or build yourself a standing desk. They can be pricey, but you can build one for under $25. Here is a link to a DIY standing desk (tested and approved by yours truly):
The time we spend at the gym is a fantastic way to stay fit and healthy. However, the habits we build during the rest of the day have a huge impact on our movement mechanics. By changing these habits one day at a time, you can help keep your body properly aligned and this will translate to happier joints and muscles and better movement, mobility, and performance in the gym!
Open WOD 11.2
15 min AMRAP:
9 deadlifts (155/105#)
12 push ups
15 box jumps (24/20")
(Pre GPP)
A. Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes: snatch x 1 rep @75-80% of 1RM
B. Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes: clean and jerk x 1 rep @ 80% of 1RM