Friday 5.15.15

This weekend are the South and Atlantic Regionals. The likes of Ben Smith, Garrett Fischer, Samantha Briggs, and Camille Le-Blanc Bazinet are all competing from Friday to Sunday in 7 events in an effort to make it to the CrossFit Games. This year, Regionals is bigger and more competitive than ever, with less than half the number of athletes advancing to this stage than last year. If you can't make it to the Dallas Convention Center this weekend to watch athletes from Alabama to Colorado to Latin America compete, you can watch the live coverage broadcast on the CrossFit Games website:! Maybe you'll see us in the crowd! 

3 sets:
Snatch 1.1.1 @75-80%
rest 1-2 min between sets
3 sets:
Clean and Jerk 1.1.1 @75-80%
rest 1-2 min between sets

30 clean and jerks (135/95#)
