Friday 6.21
5 sets (20min)
8 SL Wall Supported DB DL (ea) with 3sec Descent
16 KB Plie Squat w/2sec Descent
EMOM for 9min
1) :30 Rower Hamstring Curl
2) :30 Sorenson Hold (unweighted)
3) :30 Plate Goodmorning (loaded anteriorly) - light
5 sets (20min)
8 SL Wall Supported DB DL (ea) with 3sec Descent
16 KB Plie Squat w/2sec Descent
EMOM for 9min
1) :30 Rower Hamstring Curl
2) :30 Sorenson Hold (unweighted)
3) :30 Plate Goodmorning (loaded anteriorly) - light