Wednesday 3.2.16
Tomorrow's Thursday Throwdown will be Emily vs Lauren G!!! Join us at 7PM to watch the announcement of Open WOD 16.2 on the big screen, immediately followed by Emily and Lauren going head to head at 16.2! Come cheer these strong women on! Bring family, friends, kids, dogs, even your dinner or something to drink!
With a partner, alternate complete rounds until each person completes 4 rounds:
15 cal row
12 sit ups
9 DH hang clean + shoulder to overhead
With a partner, alternate complete rounds until each person completes 4 rounds:
15 cal row
12 T2B
9 clean and jerks (135/95#)
A. 10 minutes to build to a heavy push jerk from blocks or rack
10 minutes to build to a heavy split jerk from blocks or rack