Monday 3.16.15

Open WOD 15.3 wrapped up today and left us with 9 PEOPLE WHO GOT FIRST MUSCLE UPS!!! Congratulations to Matt S., Jose, Clint, Patrick C., Kevin M., Chris L., Jacob, Carly F., and Grace!!! There's so many more of you who are so close!

When this workout was released, many CrossFitters took the opportunity to complain, to quit, and get angry at the Open process. But we've learned around here that the right perspective is key! We were so excited at the number of people who decided - many for the first time EVER - to put in 20-25 minutes of muscle up work and see what could happen. What resulted was a LOT of muscle ups, some failed muscle up attempts, sure......but most amazingly, one of the most inspiring and celebration filled days we've ever had. Friday Night Lights was nothing short of INCREDIBLE. Between cheers on the inside, and the folks eating BBQ together outside, it really felt like a family around here. 

Sometimes, the motivation and the fun comes from something besides you and your own performance. Maybe you were disappointed that muscle ups were first because you're still working on your pull-ups or chest to bars, and weren't ready to try one. THAT'S OK! Hopefully you KILLED it in the scaled division WOD and put forth an effort that you're very proud of. But how about watching the success of others? Can't that be motivating? If you saw someone get their first muscle-up, wasn't that inspiring and exciting?!! Even if you already had a million muscle ups, that's inspiring! Hopefully this workout and your drive to constantly improve make you want to set goals to move you closer to things like unassisted pull ups or ring dips....and we'll celebrate WITH YOU as you achieve those goals!

No matter what the outcome of your 15.3, the CrossFit Central Houston came together on Friday night like nothing I've ever seen. Thank you guys for being incredible. Oh, and by the way......we're sitting in 81st place in our region out of 350+ teams!!!!

4 rounds:
21 box jumps (24/20")
15 burpees
9 power cleans (155/105#)

4 rounds:
21 box jumps (24/20")
15 burpees
9 power cleans (155/105#)
