Tuesday 1.27.15

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Get ready!! THE #BURPEECHALLENGE IS BACK!! During the month of February, we'll be doing 28 burpees every day for the 28 days in the month. That's right - whether you're at the gym that day or not, your challenge is to get them in. Last year we got so many great videos of people doing their 28 burpees in random locations just to get them in --- in their nice clothes in the middle of a party, out on a ranch hunting, on a HONEYMOON!!.....so this year, that's part of the challenge. Take a video (it doesn't have to be ALL 28 burpees....) of you getting your 28 burpees in: whether you're at the gym or not. The most.....creative? fun? interesting? video of the week will get a $10 credit that can be used on any of the merchandise that we sell: tshirts, mugs, Blender bottles, Progenex....you name it. 

Most importantly, the goal is to get better at burpees! We'll test your speed for 28 burpees at the beginning of the month, and again at the end of the month to see how much you've improved. So get ready.....BURPEE CHALLENGE MONTH STARTS ON SUNDAY!

Bench Press 5-5-5-5-5
ME @80% of heaviest set

10 min AMRAP:
5 hang power snatch (95/65#)
10 pull ups (C2B if you're proficient at pull ups)
20 double unders

calories on erg
double unders
