Friday 1.23.15

"I can't do double unders."
"I'll never be able to do 14# for this entire workout."
"Half of my reps I won't even be able to count."

These are just some of the comments we heard today. 

Anyone would find today's workout challenging - it starts with 150 wall balls, for crying out loud. Even if you're a wall ball monster, it's still going to be extremely taxing on the legs! But are you aware of how much your attitude effects not only your performance, but also your PERSPECTIVE ON YOUR PERFORMANCE?

We pushed some folks today to try a wall ball weight that was a little outside of their comfort zone, and most of them had reps that counted as well as reps that didn't count. Imagine two internal conversations during this workout:

Athlete A: I suck at wall balls. I'm not going to be able to do this workout, that's why I never use the 14# wall ball. (Rep 1) (Rep 2) Yep, of course I made those. It's only the beginning of the workout. (No rep) See, it's starting. (Rep 3) (No rep) Ugh. This is so frustrating. (No rep) I can't do this. [Drops ball]. .....(end of workout) Ugh. Great. I missed half of the reps I tried and I didn't even finish the wall balls. 

Athlete B: Ok. I'm trying this 14# wall ball for the first time. I can do this. I'm going to do this. (Rep 1) (Rep 2) Yes! (No rep) That's ok. I can do this. (Rep 3) I'm doing this. (No rep) Be more explosive. I can do this. (No rep) Ok, rest. Give it 5 seconds. Pick it up and go....(end of workout). I PR'd my 14# wall balls! Who knew I could do 70 of those?!  Next time: 100.

Exact same score. Exact same rep count. Two completely different mindsets during the WOD and two completely different views on the same performance. Are you aware of the attitude you're taking into your workout? What mindset are you setting yourself up for before the workout starts? Are you defeating yourself before the workout even begins? Or are you focused on IMPROVEMENT and YOUR goals? 

I am also happy to report that there were plenty of folks who chose to focus on what they accomplished today, and who tried to step outside their comfort zone and try something new. Their workouts ended with comments like, "I did 50 wall balls at that weight!!" "I got 10 more reps than I did last year, at a heavier wall ball weight!" or "I didn't know I could do that."

If you want a positive experience, CHOOSE a positive PERSPECTIVE.

Open WOD 13.3
12 min AMRAP:
150 wall balls (20/14#)
90 double unders
30 muscle ups
