Friday 4.4.14

Time to get a jump rope - it's double under month! Every day this month, we're challenging you to get 30 double unders, or ATTEMPT 30 double unders. Need a rope? Try,, or any rope that you can find at a sporting goods store will do. It doesn't need to be fancy, especially if you're new to double unders. Something too light weight when you're new can actually maker things more difficult because it's harder to feel the weight of the rope and it's position around your body so that you know when to jump. The more proficient you get, the lighter your rope can be. For more info on jump ropes, check out our blog post from a while back: Gym Bag Essentials: Part 2 - Jump Rope

15 minutes to work up to heavy clean and jerk

500m row
100 double unders
50 box step ups with plate (45/25#)
30 burpees to plate
