Wednesday 3.6.13

CrossFit Games Open WOD 13.1 Announced

WOD and movement standards (for Burpees)

FuBarbell Snatch Tips

We will be performing this workout on Friday in all of the classes. You can also complete/redo the workout on Saturday if you choose. If you are competing in this year's Open, you will be judged, and you will judge someone else. We will review movement standards, rules, and scoring before the WOD. The top 3 men's and women's scores from our gym will contribute to the team score. Here's the deal: if you are competing in the Open, you are allowed to scale WODs. HOWEVER: if you scale a workout, you are then inelligible to contribute to the team score in future workouts. So, let's say heavy snatches aren't your thing, but next weeks workout is right up your alley and you kill it. If you scale this workout, your score for next week wouldn't be able to count towards the team. Here's the great thing: we can all do burpees. Do you 40 burpees, then work on getting throught he first 30 snatches. Then, do your 30 burpees and work on the next snatch weight. If you know that the second or third snatch weight is more than you have lifted, then a) you have to make it there first, let's just put that out there....and b) you can keep attempting at that weight until time runs out. 

Watch these videos, come to class with any questions that you have and GOOD LUCK!!

8x400m run
rest 3 min in between
*1 burpee penalty for every second +/- first round time 
