Saturday 3.9.13

Team CrossFit Central Houston

Want to check out how the CrossFit Central Houston team and its members are doing in the CrossFit Open? Just visit and click on the "Leaderboard." You can type in the team name (CrossFit Central Houston), or an individual name, and you can sort the results by region (we're in the South Central Region). 

To see how the team is doing, you can sort the Division into "Team" - and we're currently ranked 166 out of 224 teams in our region, which consists of Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi!! The top 3 mens and womens scores each week will count towards the team score. If you hover over the team score, you can see which of our athletes contributed to that week's score. WE ARE SO PROUD OF EVERYONE COMPETING, and SO GRATEFUL FOR EVERYONE SUPPORTING US!

front squat (135/95)
pull ups

ME KBS (70/53) 
