Monday 10.28.13


Look at this PR pole!!! It's almost out of room because there are so many new PRs from today! Remember, nothing is too small to put on this thing. If you've never done it before, it's a PR. Nail 5 double unders in a row? Put it up there. Finally get to the top of that rope? On the pole. Get over your fear of jumping on a 20" wooden box? Write it down.  You have to recognize that even the little accomplishments are accomplishments. To get to the muscle up, you had to get the first ring dip, which came after the first stationary dip, and you had to get the chest to bar pull-up, which you got after the first unassisted pull up, which happened after you moved from the green band to the blue band. It all counts, and it's all important. A big goal is just a series of "little" goals. Be proud of yourselves.

REMINDER: WEAR YOUR HALLOWEEN COSTUME ON THURSDAY TO YOUR CLASS! Those who WOD in a costume will a) have a better time than everyone else, and b) be entered to win a $50 Reebok gift card so that you can shop for Reebok CrossFit gear. The better your Halloween costume, the more entries into the drawing you'll earn..... 


 "CrossFit Total"
1RM strict press
1RM back squat
1RM deadlift

6 rounds:
Against a 4 min clock-
Row 500m
ME man makers (35/25)
Rest 1 min
