Saturday 1.26.13

Our First Competition!

When you see Raychel H., Rachel M., Angie, Rene and/or Ben D. this week, be sure to tell them congratulations on completing their first CrossFit competition!! We could not be more proud of the way they represented CrossFit Central Houston. Thanks to those that came out to support as well: Allie, Erica, Tim, Dirk, guys being there, no matter how long you were able to stay for, was huge. Thank you so much. Also, big congratulations to Angie, who took third place overall!! Final results should be posted on Facebook Monday or Tuesday on the Cosmic CrossFit for Christ Beginners Competition page. Pictures from the competition are up on Facebook!

4 rounds:
10 DB snatch
20 walking lunges
30 wall balls (20/14) 
