Tuesday 10.16.12


I should preface this by saying that just because you CAN make a Paleo dessert, doesn't mean that you always SHOULD. If I'm not eating Paleo, I CAN eat at Pappasito's every night and get one of their delicious tres leches cakes every single time....but it doesn't mean that I SHOULD. So I'm going to give you a dessert recipe here. It's Paleo, but it's still a dessert, people. 

That being said, sometimes you just need a dessert and you don't want to completely fly off the wagon. If you stick with Paleo for a while, having a sugar-filled cupcake (or 5, like we did for our wedding) will set you back for days. Within 30 minutes your heart rate will sky-rocket like you've just done an 800m run. You'll feel heavy, bloated and sluggish for the next day or two. With these desserts, assuming that you don't overdo it with the quantity, they aren't going to help you reach any weight loss goals, but at least you won't start having heart palpitations.



2 ½ cups blanched almond flour (Don't use Bob's Red Mill brand if you can avoid it - it's too course)
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon baking soda
½ cup grapeseed oil 
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
½ cup agave nectar
1 cup dark chocolate chips (optional)


Heat oven to 350 F. Combine dry ingredients in a large bowl. Stir together wet ingredients in a smaller bowl. Mix wet ingredients into dry. Form 1-inch balls and press onto a parchment paper lined baking sheet. Press them down a bit before baking. Bake for 7-10 minutes.

Other easy dessert ideas:

-Berries (frozen or fresh) with almond butter. Think PB&J. 
-Justin's almond butter with maple. Eat the individual ones straight from the packet.
-Grilled fruit (pineapple, peaches, bananas)


1 min ME front squats (135/95)
rest 1 min
3 rounds :
250m row
10 burpees
rest 1 min
ME front squats