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Memorial Day "Murph"

On Memorial Day, CrossFit Central Houston, along with CrossFit boxes all over America, will be hosting Memorial Day “Murph.” The workout is done each Memorial Day to honor not just Lt. Michael P. Murphy, but all those who have lost their lives protecting our freedom. The workout is listed below, and can be modified, scaled, halved, quartered, etc. as needed.

1 mile run
100 pull-ups
200 push-ups
300 air squats
1 mile run
*with a 20# weight vest

If you intend to wear a vest for this workout, please bring your own. We will begin the first heat at 8am, and the second at 8:30am. The gym will open at 7:30am for athletes to begin warming up on their own.

Additionally, if you’d like to donate to the Lt. Michael P. Murphy Scholarship Fund, and/or get a t-shirt like the one pictured to commemorate the event, visit!

Earlier Event: April 6
B!RTHF!T Workshop
Later Event: August 10
Annual Summer Lake Party