Wednesday 5.8.13

Get Your Swole On

You may have noticed this week that we've had strength workouts posted on the whiteboard ahead of time. We were worried that folks who are coming 2 or even 3 times per week were missing some key strength building days just because of scheduling. What we didn't want was for someone to go 2 or 3 months without doing a back squat simply because they happened to miss all of the back squat days that were programmed. So, on Mondays you will see 2-3 strength workouts on the board for the week. For instance, Mondays front squats, todays shoulder to overhead complex and tomorrow's power clean WOD were posted on Monday. If you know that you will miss any of these days, this gives you the option to either a) come in early or stay late for 15-20 minutes to get in what you missed, or b) do the WOD at home/at your work gym/on your own somewhere else. Starting next week you can look for these strength WODS on our Facebook page (have you "liked" us yet?!) and here on the blog, as well as on the board at the box.

And just in case you're interested, the workouts for Regionals have been posted. Pray for me, guys :) 

5x 3/5/7 shoulder press, push press, push jerk (do not rack bar during set)

500m row
40 air squats
30 sit ups
20 push ups
10 pull ups

